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Hunterdon County offers a wide variety of 4-H clubs. The clubs set goals to learn about many different project areas within the club. Each club sets goals and plans lessons to teach kids about many life skills, values, character, and responsibility.
Clubs engage in “hands on” learning activities where the “fun is learning and the learning is fun!” Children must be in grade 4 to join a project area 4-H club.
4 Paws to Freedom 4-H Seeing Eye Puppy Club
The 4 Paws to Freedom of Hunterdon County 4-H club raises puppies for the Seeing Eye, Inc. of Morristown, NJ. Puppy raisers provide a nurturing family environment, giving the puppies a firm foundation of love and trust and provide the puppies with lots of opportunities for exposure to a wide variety of stimuli found in the community such as traffic, stores, people, and other animals. Puppies are placed with puppy raisers and their families at the age of 7 weeks and return for formal training in Morristown at the age of 13 to 16 months, at which time the dogs will be ready for formal training for guide dog work for those who are blind or otherwise visually impaired.
Centaurs 4-H Horse Club
The Centaurs 4-H Club is for youth who love horses and want to learn about them. Members do not have to own horse. Club members may be part of the county Drill Team and participate in state competitions such as Horse Bowl, Horse Judging, Hippology, Equine Art, Model Horse show, and presentations.
Cloverbud Clubs
Children in K-3rd grade can join 4-H as a Cloverbud member. 4-H Cloverbud is a non-competitive program which offers a variety of projects. In Hunterdon County our Cloverbud members are entitled to join in fun activities including… Club Meetings, Special Workshops, 4-H Eggstravaganza, 4-H Family Cloverbud Camp, 4-H Fair, 4-H Holiday Workshop and Door Swag and much, much more!
Creative Kids 4-H Family and Consumer Science Club
The Creative Kids 4-H Club is a family & consumer science club that meets the 2nd Tuesday and 4th Friday of every month at 7:00 p.m. in Flemington. The clubs main focus is on Photography, Foods & Nutrition, Crafts, Community Service, and Art. Life skills are taught to members in grades K-13. Leadership roles are taken on by the teen members and members are encouraged to become involved with the community.
Fur ‘n Feathers 4-H Poultry and Small Animal Club
Fur ‘n’ Feathers Poultry and Small Animal Club members raise many different breeds of chickens, broilers, turkeys, ducks, ferrets, chinchillas, rats, gerbils, guinea pigs, and rabbits which they bring to the fair in August. Members attend many petting zoos, bringing their animals to share with the public as either a community service project or a fundraiser throughout the year. This club is a great way to learn about animals in a fun learning environment. Every year is more fun than the last and new members are always welcome. Meetings are held the 2nd Tuesday of every month t 6:00 p.m. in Flemington.
Hunterdon County Beef
The Hunterdon County Beef Club engages youth in activities to identify breeds, locate parts, raise a healthy animal, fit and show steers, and how to select a project animal. There are two main types of Beef Cattle Projects that a 4-H member may choose. A beef heifer breeding project is a long term project in which a 4-H member begins with a heifer calf (female) and cares for her through breeding age (around 1 year of age) and on to calving (giving birth) at around 2 years of age. The other type of project is a market beef project in which the 4-H member begins with a weaned steer or heifer calf and cares for the calf through the growing phase until the calf reaches market weight of around 1100-1300 pounds. Join the Hunterdon County Beef Club and learn what raising a beef animal is all about.
Hunterdon County Junior Leaders 4-H Club
Hello! If you or your teen are interested in a 4-H club that participates in various community service projects while still having tons of fun, then Jr. Leaders would be a great fit! Some examples of community service include working throughout the year with Meals on Wheels and the Midland School; annual Christmas caroling at the Hunterdon Medical Center; and doing various projects at the fairgrounds. We also have plenty of opportunities for leadership throughout the year, and being a Junior Leader definitely gives a leg up when it comes to state and national 4-H trips. In terms of fun, we have club activities planned throughout the year that give plenty of time to socialize, and all of our members enjoy working the club’s soda trailer during the fair every year too. The club is open to grades 8 to 13, and meetings are held every 4th Tuesday at 7:30 pm at the Rt. 12 Extension Center. We also take new members year-round, so you can join whenever you’d like!
Hunterdon Hoppers 4-H Rabbit Club
Hunterdon Hoppers is an active rabbit club in which members participate in various community service opportunities such as displaying their animals at different events around the county. Members also get to learn more about raising their animals, practice their public speaking, and interact with kids who have similar interests. Meetings are held the 2nd Monday of every month at 7:00 p.m. in Flemington.
Hunterdon County 4-H Sheep Club
The Hunterdon County 4-H Sheep Club is the oldest 4-H Sheep Club in New Jersey. It is a very active group that meets the 2nd Friday of every month at 7:00 p.m. in Flemington. The members raise sheep as a breeding project as well as a market lamb project. Some members also raise wool breeds for their fleece for hand spinners. The members learn how to raise, care, and improve their flocks as well as Participate in the various 4-H activities in Hunterdon County and various open competitions.
Hunterdon Deadeyes 4-H Shooting Sports Club
It’s safety first with the Hunterdon County Deadeyes Shooting Sports Program. 4-H Shooting Sports teaches respect, responsibility, and proper handling of firearms/archery. The club is in its sixth year, and is certified in disciplines including Archery, Rifle, Shotgun, and Muzzle Loader. The club participates in local, state, and national level competitions. Members meet the 4th Thursday of every month at 7:00 p.m. at the Quakertown Recreation Club. The programs success is due to the generous support and Donations from the Friends of the NRA, Quakertown Recreation Club, Crosman Corporation, Croton Rod and Gun Club and local businesses.
Kick Butt Kids 4-H Goat Club
The Kick Butt Kids 4-H Goat Club spends all year learning about the proper care, nutrition, and different breeds of goats. Club members enjoy sampling delicious products made from goat milk, learning about field crops, and producing good quality hay, along with veterinary care and general maintenance of goats. Goats make very enjoyable pets, and are friendly and very inquisitive. They are people-friendly animals and make the best pet. Club meets the 2nd Friday of each month at the Senior Center through the winter months and does hands on activities with goats at the homes of club members.
Mt. Airy Dairy 4-H Club
The Mt. Airy 4-H Dairy Club is over 80 years old. It is the oldest on-going 4-H club in the state of New Jersey. Through the years, the club has produced many active local, county, and state leaders. Members learn about different breeds of dairy cows, showing, and general care. Club meetings are held at the Sr. Center at 4 Gauntt Place, Flemington on the 3rd Sunday of every month at 2:00 p.m.
P.A.W.S. 4-H Dog Club
P.A.W.S. 4-H Dog club stands for Pride, Achievement, Wisdom, and Service. It is a dog training club that meets weekly to train dogs in Obedience, Rally, and Agility. In addition to competing in 4-H venues, several of the members are excelling outside of 4-H with their dogs against adults in competitions, and do agility demonstrations throughout the community. Many of the members have earned therapy dog certificates and the club visits local nursing homes monthly with the dogs.
Round Valley Riders 4-H Horse Club
The Round Valley Riders are a very active horse club with 22 members ranging in ages from 9-19. During the year, the club participates in 4-H club, county, and state activities along with trips and community service. Please come see the club at the fair…look for the horses and that’s where they’ll be!
S.A.V.E. (Student Adventures in Veterinary Experiences) Club
S.A.V.E. is a group of students in grades 4-13 who are interested in pursuing a career in veterinary medicine. The club plans activities and events centered around learning medical procedures and anatomy of small and large animals. Dissections and case studies, along with other hands on activities, are performed to further the knowledge and experience of the club members. We meet on the 1st of the month from 4:00-6:00pm., in Califon for our business meeting and on the 3rd Sunday of the month for an activity or field trip.
Spot on Shooters
4-H Shooting Sports is rapidly growing. Join Spot on Shooters and learn all about firearm safety and shooting techniques. Spot on Shooters is open year around to new members grade 4 and up. The club engages youth in Archery, Rifle, and Shotgun. The club participates in the Hunterdon County 4-H and Agricultural Fair, state matches, and community events. If you would like to learn more about firearm safety, competitive shooting, and improve your skills, please contact the 4-H office 908-788-1341.
North County Monarch Citizen Scientists
North County Monarch Citizen Scientists 4-H Club is for youth residing in townships from Franklin Township northward. The Grades K-12 clubs meet every 2nd and 4th Wednesday monthly from 6:30-8:00pm at the South Branch Emergency Squad Building (95 W. Main Street, High Bridge). This club is a great way to engage youth in raising awareness, stewardship, and community projects focused on the plight of the Eastern Monarch Butterfly. In addition to our regular club meetings, youth will participate in field trips to our outdoor classroom, hands-on activities, and presentations from outside educational resources. The North County Monarch Citizen Scientists Club’s mission is to raise future citizen scientists one child at a time.