Main Content
- Choosing Plants for a Hazelnut Orchard in New Jersey
- Think Twice, Plant Once: Does a Tree Fruit Orchard Make Sense for Your Farm?
- NJ Apple Maturity Review – website with weekly reports on the progression of apple maturity in central and northern New Jersey
- Spotted Lantern Fly spotted lanternfly is an invasive species that could be very devastating to some New Jersey crops and hardwood trees
- The Right to Farm Act (PDF) designed to help address conflicts among farmers, neighbors, municipalities, and counties regarding a farm’s practices
- Bringing Back Hard Cider in the Garden State Rutgers researcher Megan Muehlbauer is studying more than two dozen heirloom varieties of cider apples to identify which grow best in the Garden state
- Classic and Novel Dessert Apple Varieties for Commercial Orchards in New Jersey
- Ultra Niche Crops Ultra-Niche means exceptionally high-value crops that can be grown on ten acres or less. The project goal is to teach new and beginning farmers about the cultivation, marketing, and business management of 10 “ultra-niche” crops.
- Citrus in the Snow geothermal energy report for greenhouses and home heating and cooling
- NJ Hemp Information – License, Application & Testing Guidelines
- NJ Hemp Farming Act Summary & Rules (PDF)
- Comparison of Five Methods of Crop Thinning in Pinot Noir and their Effects on Fruit Composition and Wine Quality — and 1st year data (PDF)
- Rutgers Hazelnut Breeding Program—article related to project